automotive Repair
Be Proactive!
Looking for repairs on your vehicle? Turn to our local Napa AutoCare Centers for expert service on your vehicle.
Boerne Area Napa AutoCare Centers:
Lesters Automotive Center
32128-A IH-10 West
Boerne, Texas 78006
Phone: (830) 249-2501
Metro: (210) 816-9043
Fair Oaks Automotive
28485 I-10 West
Boerne, Texas 78006
Phone/Fax: (830) 981-8565
Brady's Auto Repair
Stehling & Walker Garage
26 US Highway
87 Comfort, TX 78013
Phone: (830) 995-2311
Ritchie Automotive Repair & Alignment
29059 IH 10 W.
Boerne, Texas 78006
Phone: (830) 755-8550 | Fax: (830) 755-8560
National Napa Phone Numbers
Mechanical Warranty: 1(800) 452-6272
Collision Warranty: 1(800) 452-6272
Truck (Heavy Duty) Warranty: 1(888) 925-5428
You depend on your vehicle, so it is important to have dependable parts and service to keep you moving. Your Napa AutoCare Center installs Napa-brand parts, an excellent value with over 95 years of dependability. Napa has been the recognized quality leader in the auto parts and repair business for decades.
Napa parts means quality. Napa-brand parts are designed to meet OE (original equipment) standards for quality and reliability. Professionals have relied on Napa parts for over 80 years because they fit right, work right and they last. Sometimes, Napa has improved on the original design, correcting flaws or strengthening components. For parts you can rely on to have your vehicle maintained, make sure to ask for a Napa part.